Monday, May 26, 2008

Dear Jen,

So as we went around to graves today for Memorial Day, I again felt pretty sorry for myself. It still is hard for me to believe sometimes you really are gone. After two years you would think I would not pick up the phone to call you without even thinking twice about it, and just thinking to myself, " Hey , I need to call Jen and tell her".. You know Sis , I really really miss you . I miss being able to talk to you and hearing your voice. I miss laughing with you till we'd cry. I miss your way of making me feel like I was someone special. There is not one day that goes by I dont' think of you and feel that ache in the pit of my stomach. I keep thinking that maybe it won't hurt so much but guess what , not yet. It is still there. I guess today has just been kind of a hard day for me and I needed to vent a little to something or someone. I know where you are and I truly feel you around me. I just wish you were here. I can not wait to see you again J, and I miss you like crazy. I'll have a Diet Coke and some cinnamon bears for you, because you can not tell me you don't miss those. I love you Sis T

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